Paper Catalog is missing 8 profiled media entries. Text/Graphics Enhancement feature is ON by default but not being applied to print jobs. Text/Graphics Quality option Best isn't applied correctly when Text/Graphics Enhancement is ON. ColorCal instructions page fails to print from CWS5>Calibrate. Selecting the Colorcal measure button from LCD without initiating the scan first makes LCD unresponsive.

Step 12 in the Colorcal scanning instructions for Scanner Cal & Colorcal is missing text.

"Invalid Argument is encountered" when mapping Paper Catalog. Unable to print Calibrator measurement pages with Coated 3 or Heavyweight 3 & 4. Patch 1-18K6VL: Bootup, LPD, Scan, PnP fixes B.

1 of 12 Fiery Patch Release Notes General information Defect ID number 1-16C6H7 Product name Fiery Integrated Controller For Xerox Color 550/560 Release date Files included in this release File name 1-16C6H7.ps File size 8.20 MB Issue(s) addressed with this release 1-16C6H7: Composite Patch release for Integrated Xerox Color OY91: Server side PLP Patch, including the fixes for: A.