A great thing that the tutorial does is bring you right into the action. The tutorial, which takes place in the beginning of the first mission, shows you how to travel quickly or stealthy, cover your exit points and escape route, booby trap bodies or areas, distract enemies, and kill. It is the mission itself that is never simple. Seem simple? A sniper’s mission normally has a simple objective. Countries had begun to bring some of these scientists over for their own work but a few have tried to seek safe harbor in unwanted territories. As Karl Fairnburne you are inserted into Berlin to find and kill the remaining scientists who were apart of the German V-2 Rocket Program. In 2012, Rebellion brings back Sniper Elite for another run in a remake that not only changes up the main character’s origin but also the story and objective. Sniper Elite captured this almost perfectly.

You must be tactical in every inch of your operation or else you face death. A sniper’s life is difficult, sneaky, and dangerous. If you didn’t set up your plan of attack or your escape route, you would be cornered and fail the mission. The game was lauded for its difficulty and authenticity to not only World War II Berlin but also the career of a sniper. Did you play Sniper Elite from the last generation of consoles? It was ridiculously hard but very realistic.