Like the druid, the necromancer is just not well equipped for level 9. The only build worth trying is Firestorm/Molten Boulder but all it takes is a pair of Hotspurs to render you ineffective. Speed is the only thing it lacks, and against Jabazons or Tigersins it can be the deciding factor in the fight. If you time the bashes right your opponent won’t have a chance to hit you. It can achieve high damage output, high life and defense making it quite the formidable build. This build can be a tank that will endlessly frustrate your opponent. Double Swing isn’t strong enough to sacrifice the shield. Resist is too easy to come by and your damage won’t be high enough to penetrate (lol) it. BoS and PsyHammer can be useful for controlling your opponent’s movements if they like to run a lot.ĭon’t even bother. If you keep a Cleglaw’s sword on switch for releasing charges, you can deal some serious damage if DS hits. Just make sure you have plenty of AR (Angelic’s is level 12 so forget about that) because if you miss when releasing charges it may cost you the duel. When properly geared and played, it may very well be the strongest at this level. This build can be extremely powerful, but not so reliable. A 6os bow with max damage jewels is viable, but the str/dex requirements are far too high, forcing you to sacrifice vita points and life charms.

It can be powerful if your opponent doesn’t have Death’s gloves, but otherwise it’s useless.Ī pure bowazon is tough to win with. This build is easily negated with the poison resist + length reduce from Death’s set. Critical Strike, Dodge and Inner Sight are where you want to put your points, 1 to Jab should be enough. It has decent damage and survivability coupled with good speed. This is my personal favorite, and I feel it is the most capable dueler at this level. Physical damage builds tend to be the strongest as DR is hard to come by at such a low level, and resist is easy to find. The skill point allocations can vary based on your skill and play style, but once you’ve hell rushed your dueler and done all skill reward quests you will have 20 points to use. I will give an overview of each class and the builds I have used for level 9 duels. Not all classes are created equal, and like high level duels, there are those who seem much better equipped for battle. The most common LLD (low level duel) bracket is level 18, however I have always enjoyed duels at the earliest level possible. There are a limited number of available skills, stats and items so it forces you to be more resourceful and strategic. I’ve had a lot of people ask, “Why level 9?” For starters there is no teleport, which typically puts you in a punch-for-punch melee battle. This guide is to give an overview of level 9 dueling and the different items, builds and strategies involved.